Lena is a…

Sports Reporter, Interviewer, Editor, Photographer

Hi! My name is Lena, I’m 17 years old and currently a Senior at the Hopkins School. My passions are an odd mix— history, theater, sports, and art. During the last few years, my love of art started with painting and drawing and transitioned into theater and now broadcast media.

At Hopkins, I worked backstage in over ten different productions, starting as a Runner and most recently a Director of a student-led One Act Play. Working backstage helped me understand how each role in the production was critical to success, teamwork essential, and clear communication crucial to making the “magic happen” in the front of the house. My valuable theatre skills gave me the confidence to venture into media, and last year, I co-founded Hopkins first TV show and club, HopTV. Our bi-weekly show features school events, student life, traditions, music, and sports.

Since birth, my Irish Father instilled an intense interest in European Football (Manchester United for life), F1 racing and a severe dislike for Liverpool! Through my work with HopTV, I combined my love of sports, broadcast media and photography. This year, I created Lena Productions and covered sideline reporting for the Hopkins Boys Soccer Team. Lena Productions also includes photography of various sports. Check out my work on Instagram @lena_productions!

Looking ahead to college, I aim to learn more about broadcast media and reporting in the sports industry. My long-term goal is to work in the Premier League, either for a network like Sky Sports or a specific team.

If you’d like to see more of my work, follow me on Instagram @lena_productions

Pick Up Game

A short film about pick-up basketball

Credits: Cole and Lena Productions, Directors - Lena O’Malley and Cole Zabetakis, Film - Cole Zabetakis, Graphics/Animation - Lena O’Malley, Script - Lena O’Malley and Cole Zabetakis, Music - Prophecy Playground